Jasminka Najcer Sabljak graduated with a degree in art history and history, a master’s degree and a doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb.

At the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, she teaches art history courses at undergraduate and graduate studies and at the specialist postgraduate study of Art Therapy, and holds the position of Vice-Dean for Science and Projects. She worked at the Museum of Fine Arts in Osijek as a senior curator and head of the 18th and 19th century painting, drawing and graphic collections, and she conceived and managed numerous exhibitions and events.

Scientific and professional activities are focused on the cultural heritage of Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem from the 17th to the middle of the 20th century and on its valorization in the national and Central European context, especially by researching the provenance and history of art collections and collecting, acquisition of art from domestic and foreign noble families, in the period from the 18th to the middle of the 20th century. She has published a number of scientific and professional works, exhibition catalogs and books.

She is the editor of monographs and exhibition catalogs. She participated in lectures or presentations at numerous scientific or professional symposia, congresses or gatherings in the country and abroad. She has also published a number of review and professional articles in specialized magazines to popularize the profession, as well as a number of forewords in exhibition catalogs. She is a reviewer of several books and scientific and professional articles in scientific magazines and anthologies (Peristil, Osječki zbornik, Scrinia Slavonica, etc.)

At the same time, she popularizes the profession of art history through exhibition projects and permanent exhibitions on which she collaborated with numerous Croatian and foreign museums: Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Art Pavilion in Zagreb, Museum of Valpovština Valpovo, Museum of the City of Ilok, City Museum of Vukovar, Local Museum of Našice, Soproni Múzeum Soprono (Republic of Hungary), International Graphic Center, Ljubljana (Republic of Slovenia), Native Museum of Rum, Matica Srpska Gallery in Novi Sad, National Museum in Belgrade (Republic of Serbia), National Museum Sofia, (Republic of Bulgaria), etc.

She is the winner of the Annual Award of Osijek-Baranja County for Culture, the “Radovan Ivančević” Charter of the Society of Art Historians of Croatia for the improvement and promotion of art history, and the Annual Award of the Croatian Museum Society for co-authorship in the research and exhibition project Art Heritage of the Pejačević Family (2014). She trained in Dresden, Graz, Madrid, London, where she won the Royal Collection Studies scholarship in 2019. She is a mentor in the Committee for taking professional exams in the museum profession at the MDC in Zagreb. She was a member of the Executive Board, and now she is a member of the HMD Supervisory Board, a member of the DPUH.

She was a collaborator on HRZZ projects: Croatia and Central Europe: Art and Politics in the Modern Period (1780-1945) from 2013 to 2017, then Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to Today from 2018 to 2022. She is a collaborator on the project Representation, development, education, participation – art in society from the 19th to the 21st century, from 2023 to 2027.